Friday, May 26, 2017

Expo 67 - Soviet Pavilion - Colourized

I found an online colourizer and ran my dad's Soviet Pavilion photos through it. The results are somewht mixed. But interesting.
Most of my dad's Expo photos were black and white, but some were colour and you'll see some of those soon. But I'll post more colourized versions of his black and whites as we move through the summer.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Expo 67 - Soviet Pavilion 2

Another angle Dad took of the Soviet Pavilion, probably from one of the monorails. You can see just how big a building this was by the size of the people inside. IMG_0047

Friday, May 12, 2017

Expo 67- Soviet Pavilion

My dad's photos of the statue in front of the Soviet Pavilion. I'm photobombing in the first one. IMG_0061 IMG_0060

The two images above are scanned from the negatives. Dad only made a print of the second negative, which scanned below. You can see he cropped it a bit for printing. Expo 1967 (10)

In the background, you can see the American Pavilion, Buckminster Fuller's iconic Geodesic Dome, as well as an elevated monorail track. The Dome is one of the few relics of Expo 67 that still stands, as most of the other pavilions were demolished in the 1980s. My memories of the Soviet Pavilion are not happy ones. I got separated from my parents and spent quite a while wondering around looking for them. One man yelled at me that he wasn't my father and told me to go away. That's when a guard found me just seconds before my parents did.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Expo 67 - Tractors

Last week, we started our Expo 67 retrospective with a view of a large EXPO 67 sign. Clearly, I must have loved hanging around that sign, as here as some of dad's shots of me playing on some tractors that were parked near the sign. They must have chased us off the first tractor, as you can see it being put to use in the second and third photos. Next week, I promise...some slightly less tractory photos! Expo 1967 IMG_0058 IMG_0059